Sometimes it doesn’t really seem that God cares about my situation.
Many go where is God in all of this? Why would God allow this to happen? This is a common question that many of us wrestle with, and we sure wish we had a good answer. I hope to give that to you today along with a solution.
The absolutely joy of being a real Christian is that no matter the situation you don’t have to really worry about it or give it much thought. That is tough concept to wrap our heads around, because we think if God loves us, why does He allow those situations to occur in our lives.
Everyone in this world will face some situation where they just are overwhelmed. No one is exempt. You can tell someone all the time how great Jesus is, but for most of the world, they just don’t get Jesus. What they do get are the problems that arise in their lives that they need solved. They want someone or something to help them. They don’t trust Jesus yet, so Jesus allows us to face issues, as a living example to them that Jesus really does care in a way they can absolutely relate to.
Jesus even said we would face trials in this life. What Jesus said next is when you go through them if you are with Jesus, it will be so different for you than the rest of the world.
We do that by overcoming our doubts and fears (and you will have them) and just go on with life like nothing is wrong and give the problem to Jesus. That is hard and we will wonder is God there? Does God care? As we go through our situation. We, like everyone else, want things taken care of right away and the way we think it needs to be done. So, we wonder, the key is can we continue to trust God even when it looks bleak. When we do, Jesus shows up in so many ways, because He is in a relationship with you. When you are in a relationship your partner doesn’t want harm to come to you, but sometimes they can’t do anything about it. Jesus can and is ready willing and able to come through for you.
His way might not be your way or even in the time frame you want. God does say is He will take care of it and in the end, it will always be good for you (Romans 8:28). Sometimes it takes patience and understanding. A couple of things most humans have in short supply. When we chose to do this then God can do things for us that will completely blow your mind because you gave God your trust and freedom to do whatever it takes. Jesus promises to do for you things that will blow your mind and in turn affect those around you.
This is hard work, and Jesus says in 2 Timoty 2:6 that the hardworking farmer is to be the first to partake of the crops. This means before God helps anyone, He will be there to help you first.
When you are in a quote “troubling” situation now you can look at it differently as an opportunity to serve Jesus. Those around you will relate to what you are doing though. Then when Jess shows up for you, they will say how did that happen for you. That will open the doors to the hardest of hearts.
One last thing. Many people say they want to see miracles. In order to see a miracle you have to be in a situation where you need one. When we are in that situation stop looking at the problem and start expecting the miracle! The sooner we do that the sooner Jesus will respond and the more of an impact it will have on you!
Jesus says give Him all the stress and worry. Not a bad idea for a better quality of life!
Remember Jesus loves you; I love you, and you are awesome!