Are you tired of going through the same thing again and again in your life? Are you tired of not getting the answers you need in your life? If that is you, you are not alone. This has plagued every single person who has lived throughout all of time.
Have you ever thought that the church is great, but said, "I go, but I don’t get the answers there either. It seems like God has forgotten me or maybe does not care about me"? This is why so many people think that the church is irrelevant today, because they think that nothing happens there that impacts their lives.
God gave you the church to be a safe place for you to go to and get the answers that you need so that you can always move forward in life. However, today it seems as if the church is powerless.
The church is to be a powerful place of love, but in order to experience love, there is a requirement, vulnerability. To get what you really want, you have to be vulnerable. You have to be willing to put it all out there, and trust that the person who you are being vulnerable in front of will not hurt you.
You have to be vulnerable to experience love. Jesus gave you the church to be a safe place to be vulnerable. In the early church, they came, and they bore their souls. They opened up about life, issues, sin, doubts, and I am sure some were mad at God.
Then they went back to their weekly lives, but something was different. Yes, the same issues, people, and evil surrounded them, but now they knew none of it mattered, because Jesus was there with them in reality.
That is why the early church grew. Things happened, miraculous things happened, but only after the people opened up.
This is what you are looking for, and it is what everyone is looking for. This is what makes the church relevant. You will get things out of it for the very first time and will look forward to coming back and then sharing your faith. Actually, you won’t have to share it, it will just come out of you in your life, and people will notice and will ask you where they can get what you have. Then you will tell them where you got it and tell them that they can get it too.
It is to be a weekly experience, because new things happen, well, things that are new to us. However, nothing is new to God, and because of that, God has THE answer for everything waiting at His church, at the altar, where He is waiting for you.
Jesus is saying, "Come and get it". Will you? The devil will say that can’t happen, but Jesus is saying, yes it will! Trust God!
I will end this week with the popular saying, "Don’t knock it till you try it".
Remember, Jesus loves you, I love you, and you are awesome!