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Punxsutawney, PA 15767
(814) 938-3724

Shorts with PD (Blog)

Leadership page 001Leadership

Everyone either wants to be a leader or wants someone to lead them to “their” promised land.

Proverbs 30:29-31 states, "There are three things which are majestic in pace, Yes, four which are stately in walk” and the 4th one is in verse 31, “And a king whose troops are with him”.

So, what is the way to determine a good leader?  Leaders shouldn't pull people. They should inspire people to follow them. They should give people a reason to follow them.

You hear a lot today about people blindly following someone. That is one thing that God does not want you to do for Him. God wants you to follow Him because He gives you a good reason.

God could force us to follow and obey, but He says no, He wants us to give Him our obedience and trust that He has our best interests in mind.

Jesus proves that to us by taking the punishment for our sins in the most grueling way on the cross. While on the cross, Jesus was mocked, betrayed, forsaken, humiliated and so much more. Jesus could have easily said, "Enough!" and thought us out of existence, but instead He took it all because He loved us.  Then when Jesus came back to life, He did not go out on a revenge tour.  Jesus went to those who should have stood beside Him and told them that He forgave them and endued them with His power.

Jesus did not force them, but instead, invited them to be with Him. Jesus also told the truth.  He said, in John 16:33, that you would face issues and tribulations, but that you would overcome because He has overcome. Jesus tells it like it is.

He wants to inspire confidence in us so that we will choose to follow Him, and lastly, He does not stand in the background and watch to see if we will flounder around.  He says in 2 Chronicles 20:15 that He is the one who will fight for us. All we have to do is let Him.

That is what a leader does, and then it is up to the people to decide whether that leader is worth following. Does the leader do what they said they would do?

On earth we are to emulate Jesus as much as possible. If you want to see revival, then imitate Jesus. Don’t try to make people follow you. Give them a reason to. Lead by example. Yes, you will fail sometimes, and when you do, own up to it and say that you were wrong. Live what you say, even when it is to your detriment, and people will follow you.

If you want people to aspire to what you have to say, stop trying to pull them, and inspire them not just with words, but actions that back up those words in love.

Being a good leader is not determined by how many people you have following you, because it is easy to build a mob. A good leader is determined by whether or not people follow them out of their own free will. People will follow that leader because the leader has their best interest in mind and has proven it.

Jesus is that kind of leader, and we as Christians need to emulate that. What if only 1 or 2 are following you? Well, that is better than 0. Imagine if every true believer has 1 or 2 people following them, it wouldn’t be long till more were following Jesus than not.

Remember Jesus loves you, I love you, and you are awesome!